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Quote from Jinu Thomas on 24 August 2024, 6:31 PMProcedures performed by vascular interventional radiologists are generally safe, but they carry some risks. Common risks include:
Infection: Any procedure involving catheter insertion or puncture can lead to infection.
Bleeding: There may be minor or significant bleeding at the insertion site or internally.
Blood Clots: New clots can form as a result of the procedure.
Allergic Reactions: Some patients may react to contrast dyes used in imaging.
Damage to Surrounding Tissues: Rarely, nearby tissues can be affected during catheter placement. Discussing these risks with your vascular interventional radiologist helps in understanding the potential complications and the steps taken to minimize them, ensuring a safe and effective treatment.
Procedures performed by vascular interventional radiologists are generally safe, but they carry some risks. Common risks include:
Infection: Any procedure involving catheter insertion or puncture can lead to infection.
Bleeding: There may be minor or significant bleeding at the insertion site or internally.
Blood Clots: New clots can form as a result of the procedure.
Allergic Reactions: Some patients may react to contrast dyes used in imaging.
Damage to Surrounding Tissues: Rarely, nearby tissues can be affected during catheter placement. Discussing these risks with your vascular interventional radiologist helps in understanding the potential complications and the steps taken to minimize them, ensuring a safe and effective treatment.
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